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Friday, October 29, 2010
Two on Fiscal Policy
Here are a couple of resources to go along with the teaching of fiscal policy. First, today's post on Greg Mankiw's blog lifts a bit from Life, the new biography by Rolling Stone Keith Richards. It seems that the members of the group make/made a number of decisions based on the tax effects. Needless to say, this means that they have used resources avoiding taxes that would have been available to governments had the policies been better designed.
Of course, this shouldn’t be a surprise given that Mick was a student at the London School of Economics. I’m sure he learned early on that You Can't Always Get What You Want (scarcity is fundamental).
This next bit is a bit over the top. It's a dark and somewhat disturbing advertisement about the national debt from the 1980s...oh, and it was directed by Ridley Scott, the person who gave us Alien. (HT to Marginal Revolution.)
All entries prior to August 15, 2007 appeared on the economic education blog of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Entries between August 15, 2007 and July 31, 2009 were under the auspices of the Powell Center for Economic Literacy in Richmond, VA.
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