Monday, March 29, 2010

Some Sobering Factoids for Personal Finance

One of the recurring themes about causes for this recession has been the high level of debt the average American carries. Well, here's an amusing and sobering visual from Visual Economics. (It gets high points on the amusement scale for the layout.)

Because most of us have played the referenced game in one form or another, I think it will grab attention in any economics or personal finance course. But what I think makes it doubly effective for personal finance courses is the way it follows a life-cycle. Teachers, let me know the reaction if you share it with your students. Students, let me know the reaction if you share it with your teachers.

1 comment:

Kyle Fulin said...

This seems to be very true for the everyday person today in America. Also, I find it quite amusing that the visual was on a game board, the game of "Life" to be specific. But with our struggling economy and having to pay certain bills and other payments, I can see how the average American could fall into debt more often.