Thursday, April 1, 2010

George of the Jungle and Supply and Demand

Depending upon your age, there are at least two incarnations of George of the Jungle. The full-length film starring Brendan Fraser, and the original animated version from the late 1960s or early 1970s.  (There is a newer animated version on Cartoon Network, but I haven't seen it.)

I always enjoyed the original version immensely. (Draw your own conclusions.) And I was happy to find many of the originals on YouTube.  I ran across this episode that does a funny job of explaining how changing tastes influence demand, and how that influence prices and changes behavior about natural resources - in this case, ooh-ooh bird feathers.  And it all happens in the first minute-and-a-half.  Enjoy


Unknown said...

Surely if George hadn't been so nearsighted, he would have realized that capturing the poachers doesn't do much good. The benefits of poaching the Oo Oo birds for their feathers (which are probably worth thousands) outweigh the possible costs. Thus, even if a few poachers get charged, others will gladly take their places. What George should have done is to have captured his Oo Oo Amigo and started a legal and humane Oo Oo ranch, where George could breed the birds and take their feathers. More supply of feathers means less demand, which means lower price for the Oo Oo's feathers, which means less incentive for illegal poaching.

Tim Schilling said...

Oh, well done.